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Think the M-16 was America’s first assault rifle? Maybe, but here’s how the M-1 Carbine went from replacing the 1911 pistol to filling the gap between the battle rifle and the M-16. Call it a “proto-assault rifle.”
Thanks to a huge aftermarket, AR-15s can be customized to endless variations. Why should you build an AR-15 of your own? Here are ten reasons why.
Adopting an official state gun is a relatively new thing, with Utah being first in 2011. Here is a list of the official guns so far, and why they were chosen. Which state will be next?
MAC-style SMGs, from the standard MAC 10 guns to Cobray models, are the method actors of the gun world. Check out the top five.
The SilencerCo Osprey is a media darling. It’s unique design stands out as a natural choice for video games.
The choice of EDC gear, especially a weapon, is an important one. SME Steve Tarani addresses how to approach those decisions.
It’s a common question. So, exactly what does a gun trust do and why should you get one? Find out here!
Is it possible to reduce the sound signature of a belt-fed weapon while laying down suppressing fire?
Compared to similar products on the market, the SilencerCo Charging Handle has a unique attribute: it actually works!
The compact design of the Tavor X95 makes it an ideal choice for those who are looking to use a suppressor such as
the Omega 300.
The home defense suppressor might be one of the more controversial concepts. Today we explore the pros and cons or such a tool.