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Home / NFA & Silencer Laws / Owning Suppressors in the USA
Owning Suppressors in the USA
Ashlee Lundvall
Odds are, you’re reading this because you have some questions. Owning a silencer is both legal and easy to do, but there are so many misconceptions. We’ll set the record straight.
Why seek expert advice?
If, at any point in the suppressor buying process, you feel like you need clarity, find reputable sources for the information. Trust and expertise are both equally important.

FAQ on Owning Suppressors in the USA
The SilencerCo website is full of helpful information regarding cans. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions from people who want to own suppressors:
How do I purchase a suppressor
SilencerCo provides a step-by-step guide to suppressor ownership here. The process begins by determining which suppressor best suits your needs. Are you hunting? Plinking? More of a tactical shooter?
Once you know which suppressor you want, a dealer can help initiate the ATF approval process. It is far easier than it might seem at first.
What is the eForm 4 Process?
Any suppressor purchase begins, on paper at least, with ATF Form 4. For decades, this was a paper application that would alert the ATF and your local Chief Law Enforcement Officer of your intentions to buy a suppressor.
Now, the process can be completed online. The eForm 4 cuts out much of the needed data entry and the time needed to mail documents back and forth and has dramatically cut down wait times for approvals. ATF eForm 4 has made the process much more efficient.
Can I pass down my suppressor?
Yes, you can put your suppressors and any other NFA item in youra will. If you don’t have a will, the person who takes over your estate can inherit them or pass them along to the correct person. Whether you go through a trust or individual, passing down your suppressors is the same. The receiver will need to fill out a Form 5 to transfer ownership.
One thing to consider here is alerting your benefactors to this process. While this step isn’t essential, it may make any future transfer of ownership easier to navigate for all concerned.
Can I hunt with my suppressor?
For a list of states where hunting with a suppressor is legal, look here.
While this is a state-by-state answer, more states are allowing the practice. Caliber designations still matter, as well (for hunting turkey, for example, or whitetail) so be sure to align all of the relevant regulations.
Can I travel with my suppressor?
Traveling with a suppressor is actually very straightforward. If you are going to one of the 42 states that currently allow individual ownership for suppressors, and you legally own your suppressor, you are fine for travel.
No additional paperwork is required from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). While the ATF will accept Form 5320.20 for travel with your suppressor, it isn’t mandatory. If you delve into the language of the regulation, it specifically covers the transport of “any destructive device, machine gun, short-barreled shotgun or short-barreled rifle,” but not suppressors.
Is it legal in my state?
Are you legally allowed to own one a suppressor based on where you live? Most of us are. And the benefits are game-changing. Guns are noisy, and suppressors provide a solution to that problem. Protecting your hearing (and the hearing of those around you) shouldn’t be stigmatized. .
Check here to see if silencer ownership is legal in your state.

Can gun and suppressor owners help support our gun rights
Although it sounds cliché, the most important thing for suppressor owners to do is to contact their legislators. The more support that our Congress members hear about a topic, the more likely they are to become champions of it.
While this may seem idealistic, constituents lay the groundwork with their local representatives. Often, this makes them more likely to be receptive to the ASA talking to them about the HPA.
Another way to help is to provide support for organizations defending your Second Amendment rights, whether local or national.
American Suppressor Association
The ongoing fight for suppressor rights is definitely a group effort, and it is being led by the American Suppressor Association (ASA). Founded in 2011, the ASA’s mission is singular: to fight for pro-suppressor reform nationwide. The organization has accomplished this through educating, testifying and lobbying about suppressors, especially in regard to benefits for hunting and shooting.
Because of the ASA’s efforts and diligence, silencers are now legal for individual ownership in 42 states. Partners, such as SilencerCo, work with the ASA to bring awareness and truth about suppressors and what it means to own them.

Guns are noisy, and suppressors provide a solution to that problem. Support organizations defending your Second Amendment rights, whether local or national. Consider becoming a member of the ASA. While financial support matters, so does membership. Get involved.
I encourage you to download SilencerCo’s Easy Guide Packet to walk you through each step of purchasing a silencer. You can also check out the SilencerCo How to Buy page.