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Three Good Reasons to Use a Suppressor
Ashlee Lundvall
I learned more about suppressors over the last several years, and it pleasantly surprises me how many times I reached for one to take out to the range. Once you shoot suppressed, you don’t want to fire your gun any other way! I also enjoy introducing others to shooting with a suppressor, depending on their needs. As a person living with a disability, offering this option to other friends with disabilities is such a great and unexpected idea for adaptive equipment. Here are three good reasons to use a suppressor.

Three Good Reasons to Use a Suppressor
1. Noise Reduction
My friend, Priscilla, lives with phonophobia – a fear of loud, sudden noises. When she asked me to help her learn to shoot, I knew attaching a can to a smaller caliber firearm would be the way to go. As a result of her interest, we spent a wonderful afternoon burning through .22 ammo. She learned the ins and outs of firearm safety and gas propulsion. Most importantly, she learned that there are ways to minimize noise when shooting. Thanks to the SilencerCo Sparrow 22, another amazing woman recently joined the ranks of female shooters. Yes, she still kept her hearing protection on, but know that this woman would never have gone to the range had she not been assured that a silencer cuts the sound drastically.

First Time Shooter Tips
If you know someone who is nervous around firearms, for whatever reason, and you get the chance to introduce that person to shooting, please ensure you do all you can to make it a pleasant experience. Along with bringing good gear, and a suppressor, be patient. Try to explain everything and go at the right pace.
Think through the location where you will shoot and the guns you will be using. Focus on safety and education, and while it’s always good to have a plan in place, be prepared to be flexible when needed. Make it easier for people to step outside of their comfort zones, and watch the magic happen. Oh, and Priscilla? She wants to shoot again – which is another measurement of success.

2. Fear Factor
The Sparrow 22 came along when I wanted to introduce my young daughter, Addison, to the sport of pistol shooting. Most of my handguns are too much for someone with her slight build, but when I added a small can to the end of a low-recoil semi-auto, it became an instant recipe for success. Shooting with a suppressor took away some of the fear for her of shooting a new gun. She also didn’t worry about flinching, like before when she shot a gun without a suppressor.
The only issue with starting her this way is that I don’t know if I will ever be able to get her to shoot without a suppressor in the future.
After our time at the range, I showed Addison how to take apart and clean her pistol and its suppressor. We talked about how suppressors are constructed and the science behind both the gun and the suppressor. I felt thrilled that she enjoyed this first experience shooting suppressed, because I plan on continuing her training.
As long as she remains interested, I am going to take advantage of this time to educate her and to introduce her to as many firearm experiences as I can. What better way to spend time than training the next generation of female shooters?

3. Save Your Shoulders
As a person who uses a manual wheelchair for mobility, I have to take care of my shoulders in order to maintain my independence. When I first started shooting a rifle, recoil quickly became a major problem. I actually stopped shooting for a time because of this issue. Fortunately, I slowly learned more about ways to decrease recoil, including shooting suppressed. Now, I can spend a day at the range sighting in a new gun without the fear of damaging my shoulders.
As I began to hunt more, I found that adding a muzzle break or suppressor to my gun allowed me to shoot higher caliber rifles and larger grain ammo without injury. I also appreciate the ability to make a better follow-up shot when needed because my rifle isn’t jumping off my shooting sticks. Now, my first thought when I am setting up a new hunting rig is ensuring that the rifle is threaded to receive a suppressor. Soon, I will receive a SilencerCo Omega 300, and I couldn’t be more excited. Hunting season next year is going to be easy on my shoulders and great for my freezer.

Remember the Three Good Reasons to Shoot with a Suppressor
Whether you are working with someone who is frightened by loud noises, or an inexperienced, young shooter, or someone who physically can’t afford to deal with recoil, remember that a suppressor can make all the difference in the world. Sometimes, you only get one shot at making a good first impression at the range. Make it a positive experience by introducing friends and family to shooting suppressed.